Landscaping Resources on the Web

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Green Landscaping
This EPA website has resources for landscaping with plant species native to the Great Lakes region.

Landscaping For Birds
Amoung other great tid-bits of advice, this site lists bird friendly plant groups and disucsses landscaping strategy.

Landscaping for Energy Efficiency
This short article explains how to lower your heating and cooling bills with careful landscaping.

PLANTS National Database
The USDA's PLANTS database contains an incredible wealth of plant-related information: color photos, classification, habitat info, and more.

Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin
Take a look at the IPAW site to learn about idetifying and controlling invasive plant species.

UW-Madison Department of Landscape Architecture
The LA department site is mostly student oriented, but has a publications page and a very extensive resources page.

Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association
We at Hanson's Landscaping are proud to be members of the WLCA.