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Landscape Construction Services


Hardscape features include patios, pool decks, walkways, steps, fire pits, retaining walls, sitting walls, and outdoor kitchens. At Hanson’s Landscaping, we consider hardscapes to be one of our specialties. Let our experienced, expert installers give character to your yard and expand your outdoor living space! We are versatile in all types of materials including natural stone, pavers, brick, modular block, and veneers. We promise that any hardscape feature we install will improve your overall landscape and stand the test of time.

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Hardscape         Hardscape

Hardscape          Hardscape

Hardscape          Hardscape

Horticultural Plantings

Let us beautify your yard with a large variety of trees, shrubs, and perennials; furnished and installed! Using high quality, local nursery stock and the help of our design team, we can transform your yard into a wonderful assortment of flowering shrubs, shade trees, evergreen trees, and perennial flowers and ground covers. We can also remove the tired or dying plant material and bring new life to the landscape around your house. Let us further enhance your planting beds by installing bark mulch or decorative stone for additional color and texture.

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Hardscape          Hardscape

Lawn Installation

Whether you need a brand new lawn or your old lawn could use some rejuvenation, Hanson’s Landscaping is the company to call. We will bring in fresh topsoil, finish grade the yard – both with machine and by hand, and install grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch. Or if you would prefer the “instant lawn” approach, we will furnish and install high quality sod. Need an irrigation system? We will work with one of our sub-contractors to help you choose the right system. Before handing over your new lawn, we will help you learn the best methods toward establishing a vibrant and healthy lawn.

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Lawn          Lawn

Other Services

We are pleased to offer many additional services to better improve your overall landscape. Those services include: landscape lighting, fence installation, mulching, drainage systems, rain gardens, erosion control solutions, and materials delivery.